Underwriting profits remained challenged in this product, as claims costs rose due to inflation combined with an increase in claims frequency. This led to a more conservative environment, with modest price increases and a contraction of appetite and capacity for poor performing risks and higher risk types such as ride sharing and new mobility (VTC). Profitability was prioritized over premium growth. Looking ahead, with some exceptions related to non-preferred risk types and those with high claims frequency, current market conditions are generally expected to continue. Auto will remain one of the products that insurers leverage to retain global clients.
Market conditions remained stable, with notable exceptions for specific risk types. Due to inflation, reinsurance treaties, and changes in Spanish accident legislation, most risks - even those that performed well – experienced modest price increases. Poor performing risks experienced more significant increases. Capacity was abundant as a result of new market entrants (in Spain), most of which focused on excess layers rather than primary coverages. Underwriters were cautious and requested detailed underwriting information, including in most cases at least five years of loss information. Limits and deductibles were generally flat, with occasional exceptions related to specific risk types or risk performance. Exclusions for the events in Eastern Europe and PFAs were standard in the market. Looking ahead, current market conditions are expected to continue.
The challenging market conditions seen in recent years continued to show signs of moderating. Although insurers continued to demand extensive underwriting information, price increases generally decelerated, and coverage restrictions relaxed, particularly for companies demonstrating risk maturity. Appetite strengthened (but remained limited for life science, healthcare and critical infrastructure risks) and capacity increased slightly for targeted risk types, although insurers preferred to write at high attachment points. Underwriting related to territorial scope, war, and material damages remained rigid but became more flexible on coverages and the application of exclusions; in some cases, restrictions were softened or removed. Where risk maturity was deemed insufficient, limit reductions were imposed. Mandatory increases were imposed on both general deductibles and time deductibles for Business Interruption. Looking ahead, current market conditions are expected to continue.
Directors and Officers
The market moderation that began in 2022 continued. Market conditions varied between primary and excess, with the former seeing a moderate environment – including flat pricing and sufficient capacity – while the latter experienced a favorable environment, with price decreases, abundant capacity, and healthy, growth-focused competition amongst insurers, especially for in-appetite, well performing risks. Appetite expanded – in both primary and excess layers - and there were more insurers, and capacity, in this space. That said, many insurers continued to prefer coinsurance for large limit programs. Underwriting became more flexible and enhanced coverage terms and Long Term Agreements were achievable in some cases; however, stringency continued as respects territorial restrictions for war and cyber exclusions. Insurers were cautious when underwriting Financial Institutions and risks with complex loss histories. Limit and sub-limit increases were generally achievable. Looking ahead, the moderation trend is expected to generally continue; however, insurers will continue to closely monitor the events in Eastern Europe, the unfolding bank crisis, and the state of the economy, and will adjust course as needed.
Market conditions were moderate. Inflation drove up claims costs, leading to modest price increases, except for poor performing risk types which experienced more significant price increases. Capacity was abundant for Cargo & Marine Liabilities as new Insurers entered the local market but was notably constrained on Hull & Machinery and Builder’s Risk. Insurers focused on retention and profitable growth and underwriting was prudent. Limits remained generally flat, despite requests amongst certain sectors for increased Marine Liability limits. Coverages remained stable; War and Communicable Disease exclusions continued to be mandated. Looking ahead, current market conditions are expected to continue.
Professional Indemnity
Market conditions remained moderate, with a few exceptions for specific risk types. Pricing remained flat to slightly upward to adjust for inflation and its impacts on claims costs. Capacity remained sufficient, except for poor performing risks, which experienced constraints. Underwriting was prudent for most risks, but more conservative and rigorous on complex or poor-performing risks. Most placements were renewed with “as expiring” coverages, limits and deductibles, with a few exceptions for specific risk types. Looking ahead, current market conditions are expected to continue.
Conditions varied widely based on risk type, size, and quality, as well as loss history and the extent of Natural Catastrophe exposure. Underwriting was rigorous and stringent, with updated submissions and complete loss reports required, and significant pressure on updating values (and corresponding limits) to reflect inflation. Modeling remained critical for Natural Catastrophe exposed risks, most of which were referred to home office for approval. Inflation-driven price increases continued. Capacity was sufficient for most risks; however, challenging risk types such as Food, Waste, and those with Natural Catastrophe exposure experienced constraints. Coverage limitations related to the events in Eastern Europe were imposed, and valuation-related clarifications were applied (e.g., removing or limiting margin clauses, implementing average-coinsurance clauses.) The reinstatement of “soft market clauses” remained limited. Looking ahead, current market conditions are expected to continue. Insurers are expected to continue to seek profitable growth and the environment for well performing risk types will become more competitive.
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