While pricing varied depending on product and geography, in general, the pricing trajectory stabilized despite the highly anticipated January 1 treaty renewals. Challenges continued for higher-risk sectors, risks with adverse claims experience, and Natural Catastrophe exposed Property risk.
Capacity was sufficient across most products and risk types. As global insurers sought to balance their portfolios away from the US, capital (re)entered the local market – particularly, in the D&O space - and competition increased. This included alternative capital, such as parametric solutions, finally starting to make headway.
Insurers started to become more flexible in their underwriting approaches as they looked to differentiate and grow in areas within appetite. At the same time, non-preferred and loss-active risks experienced a more conservative and rigorous underwriting environment. Scrutiny of asset values continued as the impacts of global inflationary pressure continued to drive claims inflation. In long-tail lines, underwriters were pressured to demonstrate flexibility around premium adjustment mechanisms by paying less attention to client turnover and applying more weight to non-inflation-linked-exposures to minimize unwarranted rate increases.
Limits remained largely stable; however, valuations remained under scrutiny - and limits were adjusted to reflect inflation, continued supply chain delays and updates to business interruption modelling for a post-COVID environment.
Deductibles remained stable despite pressure from insurers to increase them due to inflation. Client acceptance of proposed increases has been low as premium discounts for increased deductibles were deemed incommensurate with the additional exposure to the client. There was a growing ground swell of buyers demanding greater credit for taking on larger retentions against the backdrop of a market once more looking for premium growth.
Coverages remained generally stable and, in some cases, restrictions implemented in recent years could be removed or modified. Property placements saw a tightening of coverage such as average/co-insurance provisions when a clear valuation process was not evidenced. Lack of clarity around underwriting intent in Cyber clause language remained a concern for many insureds.
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