Current Cyber Captive Landscape
Aon’s 2021 Captive Benchmarking Survey results show a 650 percent increase in cyber premium retained in captives since 2018. However, the extent of captive utilization to address the needs of organizations facing these conditions remains disproportionately lower than the extent of these challenges. Results from a recent survey on captive utilization for cyber suggest that less than 10 percent of Aon’s global captive management portfolio is currently writing the risk.
Of the captives writing cyber, the majority are captives owned by North American-based organizations, with a third of the captives writing cyber based in onshore US domiciles.
Proportion of Captives Writing Cyber, Based on Location
Viewed through an industry lens, our survey shows financial institutions and healthcare organizations are the highest users of captives for cyber, representing approximately 30 percent of the total population. This may be intuitive given the risk profile of each segment, and the typically higher levels of risk maturity in these industries given stricter regulation and the potentially devastating consequences of a cyber attack or data breach.
Our survey shows financial institutions and healthcare organizations are the highest users of captives for cyber, representing approximately 30 percent of the total population.
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